It might be a discarded treasure in a garage sale heap labeled “yard tools, 2 for $10,” or an honored relic that no one knows what to do with but knows better than to…
This brought a smile: “It’s Sweater Weather Forever” is about Samuel Barsky, who for 20 years has been knitting sweaters of famous landmarks.
With long anticipation of spring, we eagerly await the warmth.
In the…
For my recent, first-time visit to Louisville, KY, I needed to get my geographical boundaries straight; it took me a minute to realize that the land across the Ohio River from my hotel was…
April is a month full of birthdays in our family. Every time one of us has a birthday, we lift the beloved birthday plate from the closet shelf and place it on the kitchen…
This cheerful little ode to spring will make you smile.
Spring is a time when we consider new beginnings, and this post from Seth Godin made me think.
What Is and What Might Be
Known for being slightly gullible, I distinctly remember years ago listening to NPR’s “All Things Considered,” with Robert Siegel and Noah Adams, about the Starbuck’s Coffee Pipeline. This pipeline, costing more than a billion…
Among my treasured gifts is a pair of tin cookie cutters I received long ago that were handmade by tinsmith Catherine “Kitty” Latané from tracings of my children’s hands.
In celebration of Opening Day of Major League Baseball, for the first time in 50 years, all 30 teams will play today.
“Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty…
I’m drawn to the concept of “the third place,” a term identified by urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg, who, according to Project for Public Spaces, described the third place as “the public places on neutral…
On our trip to Italy, my daughter and I saw many classic, not-to-be-missed sites, among them the showpieces of Florence, Rome, and the Amalfi Coast. At each of these remarkable places, we were struck…